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S1E23 - Spooky Stories w/ the Bewitches (Part 2)

Writer: The Talkative IntrovertThe Talkative Introvert

Episode Description:

It is almost Halloween! My absolute favorite holiday. To celebrate, I am joined by my girls and we share some spooky stories. Oddly, during this episode, we kept experiencing some inconvenient technical difficulties. A coincidence? I hope so! The episode isn’t that scary, but if you get spooked easily like me, make sure to watch some good, wholesome Disney movies afterwards! LOL! Let me know on social media if you have ever had anything spooky happen to you. How did you react? I’d love to hear all about it!


Some parts of the transcript may be edited for better readability, but the content remains the same. Mostly removed duplicate words, vocal filler words, and added/removed some words for clarification.


Continuation from Part 1...

Meliza Manalo 31:04

What did you say?

Leah 31:06

I was saying turn up your phone because I couldn't hear you.

Katrina 31:10

We were trying to tell you; it froze when you said destroyed.

Bailey 31:15


Meliza Manalo 31:17

Wait. So, okay. If energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So, is reincarnation real?

Bailey 31:23

I mean, I'm not the Lord or anything. (Laughter) So, I can neither confirm nor deny. No, I'm just playing. I'm just saying that like, I mean spirits have to exist obviously.

Meliza Manalo 31:35


Bailey 31:36

Like, I don't know. I feel like that's just common science.

Meliza Manalo 31:41

Well, this one dude was saying he's a psychic, and... it’s Thomas Dale. And he was saying how we're all just energy and then the body that we're in, it's just the vessel that we're in right now. And that once your vessel, you know, because our bodies deteriorate and it's finite. And then your energy will move on and then reincarnate into another vessel. And that's how the spirits work.

Leah 32:09

Hopefully in another part of the universe. (Laughter)

Bailey 32:14

Ohh. Like the Avengers.

Meliza Manalo 32:16


Bailey 32:16


Leah 32:16

See, I think of it like... Have you guys seen 'The host'?

Meliza Manalo 32:20

The host? No.

Katrina 32:22


Bailey 32:22


Meliza Manalo 32:22

I've seen, I think, a trailer.

Leah 32:25

So, it's basically an alien movie. But the aliens are souls. And this.... (Silence) Oh, my God. Can you hear me now? (Leah talking through cell phone)

Katrina 32:41

(Laughter) Cut! All we heard was souls and then that was it.

Meliza Manalo 32:44


Leah 32:45

Oh, my God.

Katrina 32:48

Now you're only on the phone but not on... through our ears.

Meliza Manalo 32:52

Yeah. What's happening?

Bailey 32:54

Lord have mercy. I'm getting too old for this shit.

Leah 32:56

Yeah. Why is this happening right now?

Meliza Manalo 33:00

I know. Because when we do our episodes, it's fine. And any zoom episode I do with everybody else is perfectly fine. I've never had an issue.

Leah 33:08

It's freaking me out.

Meliza Manalo 33:08

Oooh. Are you home by yourself?

Katrina 33:11

Yeah. Is your man home?

Leah 33:13


Meliza Manalo 33:14

He's not?

Katrina 33:15

Who were you talking to at the very beginning?

Leah 33:18

Oh, he did come home for a little bit then he left again.

Meliza Manalo 33:21


Leah 33:22

I guess he knew we were doing this.

Katrina 33:25

Okay. I was like, who were you talking to?

Meliza Manalo 33:26

I know. We're super freaked out right now.

Leah 33:26

I did feel like what are you talking about?

Meliza Manalo 33:27

This freaks me out. Like I almost didn't go... Well, I didn't go to Mia's. But I almost didn't go. Because my mind, it just runs you know? It just keeps going.

Katrina 33:43

Once I think of it. Oh, yeah.

Meliza Manalo 33:45

Yeah, like I have to watch a Disney movie or something to stop me from. Like every...

Bailey 33:50

Which one?

Meliza Manalo 33:51

But every time like I watch a scary movie, I have to watch something happy and nice like afterwards.

Bailey 33:57

Oh, yeah. Like 'New girl'.

Meliza Manalo 33:58


Bailey 33:59

Or 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S'.

Meliza Manalo 34:00

Yeah. Something happy.

Leah 34:01

I have to if I'm alone.

Meliza Manalo 34:03


Leah 34:03

If I'm not alone, I'm fine.

Meliza Manalo 34:05

I haven't watched a scary movie in a long time, though.

Katrina 34:08

Yeah. Same.

Meliza Manalo 34:09

I don't remember the last time I watched one.

Leah 34:10

I watched like five in the last couple of days.

Katrina 34:13

Yeah, so is the season.

Meliza Manalo 34:15

I used to be really into. Like...

Katrina 34:17


Meliza Manalo 34:17

All that stuff like scary movies and ghosts... what is it called?

Katrina 34:22


Meliza Manalo 34:24

No. Goose...

Bailey 34:26

Ghost Hunters?

Meliza Manalo 34:27

Goo.... What's that? Goosebumps! (Laughter)

Bailey 34:34

Goos, Goose.

Meliza Manalo 34:35

What's that 90s show like something after dark?

Bailey 34:39

Is it called 'After dark'?

Meliza Manalo 34:40

You know what I'm talking about? It was on Nickelodeon.

Leah 34:43

Yeah. I remember it because of that title.

Bailey 34:45

Bedtime stories to tell in dark? Is that what you're talking about?

Leah 34:48

No this is like, 'Ghost in the dark'?

Meliza Manalo 34:49

Something like that. It was on Nickelodeon. They have like all the kids around a campfire.

Bailey 34:54

I was too old when I was a child. And I did not have. I had no cable. I had no...

Meliza Manalo 35:00

Well, they shared like spooky sc... uhh, spooky stories.

Leah 35:04

Maybe we should just set this up with the phone.

Meliza Manalo 35:07

Okay, you want to just raise it?

Katrina 35:09

Raise what?

Meliza Manalo 35:10

The volume?

Bailey 35:11

Raise the bar.

Katrina 35:12

It's as high as it could go.

Meliza Manalo 35:13

Okay. We'll just put you right next to the mic.

Leah 35:18

Hopefully, that sounds okay.

Meliza Manalo 35:21

Okay, so you're talking about 'The host'?

Leah 35:24

Yeah. Okay. So, in 'The host', it's like the aliens are being... they're called souls. And they're these like little, um... they look just like little bits of light, I guess. And they get put into the host body. So, they like land on a planet. And then they...

Katrina 35:47


Leah 35:47

take over a body. And then they basically live that life. And then they get transferred to another planet and take over another body. But I thought that was interesting.

Bailey 35:58

That's creepy.

Meliza Manalo 35:59

I feel like I know what that movie is. But yeah, that's creepy.

Leah 36:02

I watched it so many times.

Meliza Manalo 36:06


Leah 36:06

So, you probably watched me watch it or something.

Bailey 36:08


Meliza Manalo 36:09

Maybe. These things freaking me out. Like I don't like um... I don't like looking into windows. Like...

Leah 36:19

Oh, like dark windows?

Meliza Manalo 36:20

Yeah, I don't like looking into dark windows. Especially if they're on the second floor or higher. I don't know. It's just something...

Leah 36:28

What? That's like... I think it's all right.

Meliza Manalo 36:30

Second floor or higher?

Leah 36:32

Yeah. Oh, you mean like when you're looking from the ground?

Meliza Manalo 36:35


Katrina 36:36


Leah 36:37

Oh, yeah.

Meliza Manalo 36:37

Yeah. Not looking out. Like looking...

Leah 36:40

I thought you were saying like looking out of the window from inside.

Meliza Manalo 36:41

No. Like looking at a house. Yeah. Like if you're outside.

Bailey 36:43

Like at a house. You're looking from outside. Like if you're outside, you're looking the building.

Meliza Manalo 36:47

Yeah. Exactly.

Bailey 36:48

I got you, boo.

Meliza Manalo 36:49

Yeah, that freaks me out.

Bailey 36:51

Okay. (Laughter)

Meliza Manalo 36:56

I think I'm too scared. I think I watched a lot of scary movies when I was younger. And I read a lot of scary books. And my mind is just... Especially like, growing up super religious too. Like, all that Catholic Stuff. Uhuh.

Bailey 37:14

Oh, that's scary. Oh, yeah.

Leah 37:17

That's just scary.

Meliza Manalo 37:18

Because Filipinos are also very superstitious, you know? Like you're supposed to throw rice around the house or whatever when you first buy a house to warn all the evil spirits.

Bailey 37:29

This is like a slip and fall hazard. (Laughter)

Meliza Manalo 37:32

Well, outside the perimeter.

Bailey 37:34

Oh, oh, oh.

Meliza Manalo 37:35

Not into it like right inside the house.

Bailey 37:37

Like, you know, you got to clean it. And they just waste all that rice. Yeah. Just kidding.

Leah 37:45

That's why the stories of Inang are freaky.

Katrina 37:48

It says Leah's waiting.

Meliza Manalo 37:50

Oh, you want me to admit you back?

Bailey 37:52

Let that girl in.

Leah 37:53

It doesn't matter. It's up to you.

Bailey 37:55

Oh, Mia goes trying to operate an iPhone. I don't know. That's not gonna happen.

Leah 38:03


Meliza Manalo 38:03

This episode is going to be fun to edit.

Leah 38:05

I know. I'm so sorry.

Meliza Manalo 38:07

Something like technical difficulties. But of all the episodes too, to have a technical difficulty.

Bailey 38:14


Meliza Manalo 38:14

Had to pick this one.

Bailey 38:15

There's no coink... No coinkydink.

Leah 38:15

Of course, it would be this one. Yeah. I'm trying. I'm really... I'm trying so hard to not freak myself out right now.

Meliza Manalo 38:25

When is Fabian coming back?

Leah 38:29

You see? Stop.

Katrina 38:29

Did you see that though?

Meliza Manalo 38:30

Yeah, I saw that. (Laughter)

Katrina 38:34

You want me to see what I see?

Meliza Manalo 38:36

Not anything behind or anything.

Leah 38:37

No don't tell me. Please don't tell me.

Meliza Manalo 38:39

No. There wasn't like anything... It just... I don't know. It just went black for a second.

Leah 38:46

Yeah, I did kind of see that. I don't know why I did that.

Meliza Manalo 38:48


Katrina 38:50

Why don't you just tell him to come home. But not like, be in the same room with you.

Bailey 38:55

Just be like, "Get your a*s home now."

Leah 38:56

Probably because my frickin... my phone isn't working properly.

Katrina 39:01

Even worse. He should be there then.

Meliza Manalo 39:03

Yeah, exactly.

Leah 39:04

I know.

Bailey 39:05

The phone's not working. The internet is not working.

Meliza Manalo 39:06

Now it's paused.

Katrina 39:07

Yeah, she's looking at something.

Meliza Manalo 39:09

Anyways. Did you have another ghost story?

Leah 39:13


Meliza Manalo 39:13


Leah 39:14

I mean, I can keep going. If you want me to keep going.

Meliza Manalo 39:18

I just don't really have a lot. I just always freak myself out. But nothing ever actually happens.

Leah 39:24

Okay, I have a pretty good one. But I don't know if it counts. Because I wasn't completely sober at the time. (Laughter)

Bailey 39:35

Oh, those are the best kinds of story.

Meliza Manalo 39:36


Bailey 39:37


Leah 39:39

I think I've told Casey about it. I might have told all of you about this one, but so we were living in that house with... That house, we always refer to where it's me, Casey, you, Mia, Brandon.

Meliza Manalo 39:52

Oh, yeah.

Katrina 39:52

The house.

Leah 39:53

Ummm, another Brandon.

Bailey 39:54

The house.

Katrina 39:55

The house.

Leah 39:56

So, I came home one night. It was after work And I went to shower. And I was in the shower and it's one of those sliding showers. The sliding glass door. So, it's like a frosted glass. And so, I get in the shower. I'm just chilling, washing my hair and whatnot. And then I hear like... I think it was crying. Like a little girl crying.

Katrina 40:25

In the shower?

Leah 40:26

And then... Yeah, like while I was in the shower, I hear a little girl crying. Of course, I'm like, kind of freaking out. Oh no, it was laughing. It was a little girl laughing.

Meliza Manalo 40:36

Oh, that... I don't know if that's worse.

Bailey 40:36

That's worse. Yeah.

Leah 40:38

So, and I like looked through the frosted glass.

Katrina 40:40

Bless you.

Bailey 40:40

Achoo (Bailey sneezes)

Leah 40:42

Bless you. (Laughter)

Katrina 40:46

Leah is like, "Bless you."

Bailey 40:49

Pardon me.

Leah 40:49

I'm sorry.

Bailey 40:50

Seasonal allergies.

Leah 40:51

Anyways. So, I look... I'm like looking through the frosted glass, but I don't really see anything. So, I slowly open it. And after I open it, the crying, or the laughing stops. So, I'm like, okay.

Bailey 41:06

The spirit did not want you to open the door.

Leah 41:07

So, I close the door again.

Katrina 41:09


Leah 41:09


Bailey 41:10

I said the spirit did not want you to open the door.

Leah 41:14

Yeah, it was just weird. The second I closed the door, it started again.

Bailey 41:18

Are you sure it wasn't your inner child attempting to communicate with present Leah?

Leah 41:23

I hope so. I mean, it didn't sound very familiar. But...

Bailey 41:28

You're like, "That is definitely not me."

Leah 41:31

Yeah. I don't know.

Katrina 41:31

That's crazy. I don't think...

Bailey 41:33

That's kinda creepy.

Meliza Manalo 41:33

I don't remember that story. I don't know if you're able to...

Leah 41:36

But I finished showering so fast. I was down. I was like, uhh. Now I'm locking myself in my room.

Meliza Manalo 41:45

Were you by yourself at the time?

Leah 41:47

Yeah, everyone was asleep. I got... Because I had worked at Chipotle that night.

Meliza Manalo 41:52


Leah 41:53

Yeah, it was it was pretty late. I didn't get home until... it was probably like midnight, or one o'clock in the morning or something like that.

Meliza Manalo 42:00

I would have just turned on all the lights. Knocked on everyone's door.

Bailey 42:03

Wake up bitches. We got a spirit in the house.

Leah 42:07

I know. Yeah, that was freaky. Light some sage. I don't think I've heard that one.

Katrina 42:11

No, I haven't heard that one.

Leah 42:13

Really? I never told you? I feel like I tell people that one all the time.

Meliza Manalo 42:16

Maybe you did. But we just forgot.

Leah 42:18

Hmm. Maybe.

Bailey 42:20

It fell on deaf ears.

Leah 42:23


Katrina 42:24


Bailey 42:25

I said it fell on deaf ears.

Meliza Manalo 42:28

I don't like any scary stories that have to do with children.

Leah 42:33


Meliza Manalo 42:34

It's always children or animals.

Leah 42:36


Meliza Manalo 42:37

Like when dogs just stare at things, and just start barking.

Leah 42:41

Oh, my God. They can replay and... I think Maggie does that a lot, too in here.

Meliza Manalo 42:48

They just stare at something just start barking.

Leah 42:50

Yeah, I have a couple things in here.

Katrina 42:54

In there?

Leah 42:55

Yeah. I think it's a friendly ghost. If there is something, I think it's friendly. But there was one time. This is like a couple years ago; Fabian had a speaker. One of those big... It was like a UE BOOM speaker. But he had for a while. And he was playing music on it. And it was going back and forth between like... because you can go on the line from the kitchen to our living room, and then out the front door to the porch. And he was playing music on it. I think he was in the kitchen. And then he would walk into the living room with it. And all of a sudden, the volume would just shoot up without even touching it. And then he was like, "That's weird." So, he left the living room, turned the volume back down. And every single time he walked into the living room, he just... he was going back and forth between the porch and the kitchen. And every time he went into the living room, the volume would just shoot up.

Meliza Manalo 43:59

That's weird. Just messing with the speakers.

Bailey 44:00

That's not. That's not all.

Leah 44:01

And then also my living room. I think... Did you guys see my um, my story on Instagram like a few weeks ago?

Bailey 44:11


Leah 44:12

How my light likes to turn on and off on its own?

Meliza Manalo 44:16

Oh, yeah. I remember that.

Leah 44:17

Only in the living room.

Meliza Manalo 44:19


Leah 44:20

Yeah, I'll wake up sometimes, like the next morning. Because I always turn every single light off in the house because save energy. Also, I like sleeping in pitch black, total darkness. And I'll wake up in the morning sometimes and I'll see the light at the crack of my door. And I'm like, oh my god, the lights on again. Open the door and the living room light is on.

Meliza Manalo 44:45

That's how our bedroom light is like. Oh, it just flickers. But only one bulb flickers. Because there's four bulbs. And only one flickers and it's a brand-new bulb. Like it's not going out or anything. Like we already checked it and it just flickers every once in a while.

Leah 45:01

That's annoying.

Meliza Manalo 45:02

Yeah. Like I don't know what to do. But I don't think we have. I don't know. Nothing lights on its own.

Leah 45:09

Mine is like a... Mine is on a dimmer. So, it dims and then brightens and then dims and brightens and it keeps going.

Meliza Manalo 45:17

That's weird.

Leah 45:19

And then it'll automatically... Like it only happens every few weeks or like couple months. I don't know. Happens here and there. Like it'll happen kind of a lot for a while and then a little stop for a really long time. And then it'll happen a few times. I feel like it's usually when Fabian is gone, though.

Meliza Manalo 45:37

Ahhh. Something is messing with you.

Leah 45:39

Like when he's on deployment something.

Meliza Manalo 45:41


Leah 45:42


Meliza Manalo 45:42

Worst time for that to happen.

Bailey 45:44

In essence, there are no witnesses to these allegations. The paranormal activity in your home.

Leah 45:53

Although I did take that video that one time when it was doing it on its own.

Bailey 45:58

Okay, so never mind. We have video. That's okay. I apologize. I've been binge watching Law & Order: SVU. (Laughter) And I'm really getting into it.

Leah 46:09

That's the best one though. SVU.

Bailey 46:11

Oh, yeah. Doctor, not doctor. Detective Olivia Benson. Wrong show.

Meliza Manalo 46:19

I love crime shows. It's like my favorite genre.

Leah 46:22


Bailey 46:22

It's just fascinating.

Meliza Manalo 46:24

It is.

Leah 46:25

Also, probably why I'm so paranoid all the time.

Meliza Manalo 46:28

Yeah, that's true. I think.... I don't know. I feel like I'm scared... I'm more scared of people. People scare me.

Leah 46:35


Meliza Manalo 46:35

Things that they can do. The things they are willing to do.

Bailey 46:40

I feel like I used to be scared like when I was younger. But the closer I get to 30, the less I care about anything. (Laughter)

Leah 46:50

Just a whole like blanket. You don't care about anything.

Bailey 46:54

Like spirits, demons. You want to come after me? Come get this. (Laughter) I'll beat you a*s. No, I feel like I live in constant fear. Like, especially when I lived alone. Like I always thought somebody was gonna break in and steal all my stuff. And my 32-inch television (Laughter) And all my books and stuff. So dumb. But now that I'm older, like... Last night I slept with like all the windows open. And I slept with the slide glass door open. Because it was really...

Meliza Manalo 47:26


Bailey 47:27

Yeah, like, I don't care.

Leah 47:29

You do live on the second floor though, don't you?

Bailey 47:32

I do. Yes, I do.

Leah 47:34


Bailey 47:34


Leah 47:35

I always felt comfortable being on the second floor of an apartment.

Meliza Manalo 47:38


Bailey 47:39

Yeah, that's a non-negotiable for me. If I'm going to live in an apartment complex, it needs to be upstairs. For safety reasons.

Meliza Manalo 47:46

Yeah. That's a good point.

Bailey 47:48

But now I'm like, eh? If somebody really wants to go through the effort to break down my front door...

Leah 47:54

Mm hmm.

Bailey 47:54

I mean, hats off to you.

Leah 47:58

Also, I feel like it doesn't really happen in an apartment either.

Bailey 48:02

Yeah. I could just scream my head off.

Leah 48:04

That too in a building.

Bailey 48:05

Yeah, I could just scream my head off. And my neighbors would all come around.

Meliza Manalo 48:09

Yeah, but that's like, you're on a busy street, too.

Bailey 48:12


Meliza Manalo 48:13

Like there's people constantly 24X7.

Katrina 48:16

Mm hmm.

Bailey 48:16

I think it's just like getting older too. Because I always used to be scared to just go out in public and stuff. But yeah, now I'm just like... I mean, I don't like going out in public. And I don't like interacting with people out in public. But you know, they always find me, huh, Mia.

Meliza Manalo 48:35

You just have that approachable face. I just... it's just nighttime I think freaks me out.

Leah 48:41

Yeah, for sure. Nighttime.

Bailey 48:43

Okay. It's 10:30, Leah. How you feelin?

Leah 48:46

I feel great.

Bailey 48:47

Aren't you tired?

Meliza Manalo 48:47

Yeah. It's nighttime.

Leah 48:48

I have so much to do tomorrow. But... No.

Meliza Manalo 48:50

Are you tired?

Bailey 48:51

Do I look tired? Yeah, I'm pretty tired.

Meliza Manalo 48:54

Do you want to share your friendly ghost story?

Leah 48:56


Bailey 48:56

Yeah, sure. Okay, so... Ahem ahem. Just clearing my throat first. Okay. So, I used to work for a long time in an old house that was originally was built in the 30s. And it was a residential home. And a family used to live there. And then many, many, many, many years later, they zoned it to commercial. So now it's like an office building. And basically, what happened was like, the whole time we worked there, my co-workers and I and my boss, we all acknowledge that there was some sort of spirit. And we just called him 'Bob'. Because it's like random male, you know, name or first name we could think of. And so, for example, we'll hear him tapping on the walls. Or the bathroom door, would just like swing right up wide open and it creeps because it was old hinges. Because it was an old house. Or things like, the printer. Like a printer would just randomly print something like a test page. Or all of a sudden, a weird fax report would spit out. Just weird random stuff. And it would... And I worked late by myself a lot when I worked there. And most of the stuff would happen after hours or on the weekends. But anyways, there's this one time where this dude came into our office to be processed, blah, blah, blah. And he said to us. He was like, "Yeah, my grandparents used to live in this house. And my grandpa died in this house."

Meliza Manalo 50:36


Bailey 50:36

And we were like...

Leah 50:37

Oh, my God.

Bailey 50:38

Yeah. And we were like, "Well, what was your grandpa's name?" And guess what he said y'all.

Meliza Manalo 50:40


Leah 50:43

Don't say Bob!

Meliza Manalo 50:44

He said Bob?

Bailey 50:45


Meliza Manalo 50:45

Oh, my God.

Bailey 50:47

Isn't that creepy?

Meliza Manalo 50:48

That is.

Bailey 50:49

But Bob was great. Because (Laughter) I'd be there alone and just trying to work and listening to music and stuff. And you'd hear Bob (Tapping the desk)you know, just like, taping or he'd be at the door to the bathroom. (imitating door creaking)

Leah 51:07

Just keeping you company.

Bailey 51:08

Yep. And I'd be like, "What's poppin Bob? How you doing tonight?" (Laughter) "It's good to know, I'm not alone." But yeah, so that's that story.

Leah 51:19

That's how I feel about our house ghost.

Bailey 51:21

That's just about it. It's just an old house, huh?

Leah 51:24

Yeah, I talk to... I talk to it sometimes.

Bailey 51:30

See it's nice.

Katrina 51:30

Hello there.

Meliza Manalo 51:30

Like, yeah.

Leah 51:30

Is that you?

Meliza Manalo 51:31


Leah 51:32

But I feel like the...

Bailey 51:33

Was that you?

Katrina 51:33

Who said, "Hello there?"

Bailey 51:34


Katrina 51:34


Bailey 51:35

Oh, Jesus Christ. I was like, it's happening right now y'all! It hurt your ears up.

Meliza Manalo 51:43

I know the guy that used to live here. He's still alive. He just... I think he went to nursing home. Oh, I think he's still alive. I don't know actually.

Leah 51:52

Was he the first owner?

Meliza Manalo 51:53

I think so. Him and his wife. But I think his wife passed away. And then he went and moved into a nursing home. But I don't know if he's still alive or not. We still get his mail. Yeah.

Leah 52:06

Yes. I feel like...

Bailey 52:07

You guys have been living here for how many years?

Meliza Manalo 52:08

Three. Four. Three. Ahh.

Leah 52:11

It's been long.

Katrina 52:11

I know.

Meliza Manalo 52:11

Yeah, I know. I didn't realize we've been here for that long. But nothing's happened in this house. I don't want anything to happen. Like sometimes I think how cool it would be to have a supernatural story. But no.

Bailey 52:26

It's not cool.

Katrina 52:27

That's why like when I...

Leah 52:28


Katrina 52:29

When you guys invited me on to this episode, I'm just like, oh. That's it? Yeah. I'm just like, I don't have any.

Meliza Manalo 52:37

That's a good thing.

Katrina 52:38

Yeah, I wouldn't want to see anything. I would freak the freak out.

Meliza Manalo 52:43

Considering yourself.

Leah 52:44

Yeah. (Laughter)

Meliza Manalo 52:47

Unless it's like a friendly ghost, you know, like Casper.

Bailey 52:49

Or Bob.

Leah 52:50


Meliza Manalo 52:50

Bob. Yeah. Just keeping a company.

Bailey 52:52


Meliza Manalo 52:54

As long as they don't do anything weird. You know, then it'll be fine.

Katrina 52:57

That'd be terrifying.

Leah 52:57

Yeah. I've never like... Thankfully I've never really seen anything. Just experienced stuff.

Meliza Manalo 52:57

Yeah, I don't want to see anything.

Bailey 53:04

(Tapping sound) That tap from back.

Leah 53:06

Yeah, I know people who have actually seen things.

Meliza Manalo 53:13


Leah 53:15


Meliza Manalo 53:16

I don't know if I know anyone who has seen anything.

Leah 53:18

Fabian has.

Meliza Manalo 53:20

Has he? What has he seen?

Leah 53:21

And I thought he would be... I thought he would be the last person on earth to believe in that kind of stuff.

Bailey 53:28

Can you tell us about it?

Leah 53:31

Nah it's his stories. I don't want to give his stories up.

Meliza Manalo 53:34

Okay. Understandable.

Leah 53:36

He's private about his stories.

Meliza Manalo 53:37

Yeah. I know, like I... um, because I stayed with my mom after my dad died, you know? And I thought maybe I would see something. But I never did. But I always had dreams about him.

Katrina 53:51

With that, they see that he's visiting then.

Meliza Manalo 53:54

With the dream?

Katrina 53:55


Meliza Manalo 53:55

Yeah. Cuz every dream I had about him after he died was him saying goodbye.

Katrina 54:01


Leah 54:01


Bailey 54:01


Meliza Manalo 54:01

Yeah. It was always a good dream. And it was just him saying goodbye.

Leah 54:04

That's good.

Meliza Manalo 54:05


Leah 54:06

I've had a couple of Inang. But my mom has had weird things or said weird things about Inang after she died. Because she died in that house.

Meliza Manalo 54:17


Leah 54:18

Grandpa's house. Like, there was one time... I think your parents said it too, Casey. They're all still there. And a couple of them saw her at the same time walking outside across the window.

Meliza Manalo 54:35


Leah 54:37

Yeah, it was my mom and I think... I think your dad, Casey, too. They're both just like, "Did you see that?" And they're like, "Yeah." They were just like, "Yeah."

Meliza Manalo 54:47

Just like her walking?

Leah 54:49

Yeah, she just walked across the window. The window where she was. Like her bed where she passed away.

Meliza Manalo 54:55

Mm hmm.

Katrina 54:56


Leah 54:57

Right there. And then my mom said she saw her in the TV too....

Katrina 55:01

Now that's scary.

Leah 55:03 time. Yeah, she said she freaked out.

Meliza Manalo 55:03


Bailey 55:05

That's like 'The Rain'.

Leah 55:06

She got so scared. Yeah.

Bailey 55:10

This whole conversation makes me want to go home and watch those scary movies. (Laughter)

Meliza Manalo 55:15

This makes me want to watch a Disney movie.

Bailey 55:17

Ooooh. I know which one we can watch. Hocus Pocus.

Katrina 55:22

Hocus Pocus!

Meliza Manalo 55:22

Oh, yeah.

Leah 55:23

That's a good one.

Meliza Manalo 55:24

I love Hocus Pocus.

Bailey 55:25

I have to watch it at least 10 times every Halloween season.

Meliza Manalo 55:28


Bailey 55:29

At a minimum.

Meliza Manalo 55:31

It's such a good movie.

Bailey 55:33

It is.

Meliza Manalo 55:34

And it comes out every year. Oh, I guess it's on Disney+ plus now.

Bailey 55:38

Dang, I wish I had more stories. Like supernatural stories. But do you guys know what the clown motel is?

Katrina 55:45


Meliza Manalo 55:46

The clown motel?

Leah 55:47


Bailey 55:47

I think it is in New Mexico or Arizona? Don't quote me on that.

Meliza Manalo 55:51

I hate clowns. Freaking hate clowns.

Bailey 55:51

Right? They're just... Well Google this. Google it. It's the clown motel and it's one of the most haunted motels in the entire country. Because it's right next to an Indian burial site.

Meliza Manalo 56:04

Ohh. But why is it called clown motel?

Bailey 56:06

Because the whole thingy is clowns.

Meliza Manalo 56:09

Oh, God.

Leah 56:10

No, thank you.

Meliza Manalo 56:10

No, thanks.

Bailey 56:11

I'm sending you the link.

Katrina 56:13

Oh, no.

Bailey 56:13

I'm sending you the link girl. Happy Halloween.

Meliza Manalo 56:16

I'll look at it in broad daylight. Surrounded by a bunch of people.

Bailey 56:23

Surrounded by kittens, puppies, and flamingos. Glitter in love. And then I'll watch the scary clown movies.

Meliza Manalo 56:30

That's creepy. Like do you guys remember that year when there's clowns everywhere?

Leah 56:34

Yeah. That was 2015?

Meliza Manalo 56:36


Bailey 56:37

What the hell?

Meliza Manalo 56:38

Like why? Why would you do that? These people.

Bailey 56:43

Oh my God. Do you remember for senior year, the senior prank was that they captured Ronald McDonald?

Meliza Manalo 56:52

And put him on the gym.

Leah 56:53

And put him on the roof. (Laughter) Yeah.

Bailey 56:57

I'm sorry. But that was a baller move.

Leah 56:59

That was...Yeah.

Meliza Manalo 56:59


Bailey 56:59

Good job class of 2010. I had nothing to do with it. But I still will take some credit for it as I was part of that group. (Laughter)

Meliza Manalo 57:08

I won't say who it is. Because it's illegal that they did that. But he did reveal it in my senior class. But he... it was the weirdest thing because it was his turn to present his senior project. And then he's like... he was... he closed all the windows, and he put paper on the door. And then he was like, "Okay, guys, this doesn't leave the room." I was like, what the heck is happening? And then he put on the projector. The picture of him and someone else stealing the Ronald McDonald and he's like, "This is proof that we did this, and we got up there on the gym."

Leah 57:46

Oh my God.

Meliza Manalo 57:49

But we weren't allowed to tell anyone because I guess, well, it's theft obviously, you know.

Leah 57:54


Bailey 57:56

It's just a bunch of kids having a grand old time.

Meliza Manalo 57:59

I doubt anything would happen if anyone found out now.

Bailey 58:02

Who cares? It was like 10 years ago.

Katrina 58:04


Meliza Manalo 58:04

Yeah, exactly.

Leah 58:05

You got to be like a statute of limitations on that. (Laughter)

Bailey 58:12

Yeah, it's funny. The senior folks.

Meliza Manalo 58:12

God. The senior pranks. I hated... I don't know if you guys remember but people glued quarters and pennies throughout the school. Do you guys remember that? Frickin hated that.

Bailey 58:23

A little bit.

Meliza Manalo 58:25

I just... I kicked it to see through it first. (Laughter) I was like, oh, nope. Just another prank.

Leah 58:31

Oh my god. That's a good one though.

Meliza Manalo 58:35


Leah 58:35

That's really funny.

Meliza Manalo 58:36

And then like...

Leah 58:37


Meliza Manalo 58:39


Bailey 58:39


Katrina 58:41

I forgot to say.

Leah 58:42

All those broke high school kids trying to get money for like $1 cup noodles.

Meliza Manalo 58:42

Oh, no. And they're like, "I just needed the quarter." And then Brandon's year, they ummm... what are they? Oh, they cemented a gym play set, a play set into the quad.

Leah 59:04


Meliza Manalo 59:05

And then they released chickens. Do you remember that?

Bailey 59:07

I remember that.

Meliza Manalo 59:09

Yeah. And they released chickens.

Katrina 59:11

What? That's wild.

Bailey 59:13

Well, that too chickens.

Meliza Manalo 59:13

And then this girl is trying to catch all the chickens. And the teacher is like. "Don't touch the chickens. They probably have diseases."

Bailey 59:21

Chic-kkens. (Laughter)

Leah 59:21

You heard that accent?

Katrina 59:31

When you say 'if' too.

Meliza Manalo 59:32


Katrina 59:33

If. Earlier you were like, 'eef'. (Laughter)

Meliza Manalo 59:36

That's sometimes. I don't know when it happens.

Bailey 59:40

That Asian persuasion baby.

Meliza Manalo 59:42

So, when I'm around my mom a lot, it just comes out. Because I spent the night there. Last night.

Katrina 59:48


Bailey 59:48


Meliza Manalo 59:49

Yeah. Since I couldn't go to Mia's.

Bailey 59:53


Meliza Manalo 59:53

I still want to go there. But like it still freaks me out.

Katrina 59:58

Hell yeah.

Leah 1:00:00

Yeah. Sounds terrifying.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:01

But I mean her mom has lived there for a while. And, like, you know...

Bailey 1:00:06

Mia's still alive.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:07

Yeah, exactly. I don't think anything will happen.

Leah 1:00:10

Mia's still alive.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:11

Yeah. She's still around to tell the tales.

Bailey 1:00:12

Yeah, you're a nuclear.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:14

All right. Well, any last stories?

Bailey 1:00:19

No. I don't think so.

Leah 1:00:19

I think that's all my stories.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:21

Okay. Thanks for sharing. Anyone that got creeped out, go watch a Disney movie. (Laughter) It wasn't too bad.

Katrina 1:00:31


Bailey 1:00:32

That was cool. I liked hearing your guys' cool stories.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:37

I think the only scariest thing is just the sleep paralysis. But like...

Bailey 1:00:40

Yeah, that's freaky.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:41

... it has happened so much. I've kind of gotten it down.

Bailey 1:00:44

You now got it down.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:45

Yeah. I already know when I have it.

Leah 1:00:47

That's how I feel about my nightmares.

Meliza Manalo 1:00:50

Sometimes I get so mad though because I'll have sleep paralysis. And then in my dream, I'll be like, oh my god, I have something to do this morning. Does this have to happen right now? Can you like not...

Bailey 1:01:03

Oh, we got the poor connection.

Meliza Manalo 1:01:06

Oh, oh.

Leah 1:01:07

I think my phone died.

Meliza Manalo 1:01:09

Okay, yeah. That's our cue. All right. Thanks, guys, for being on the episode.

Katrina 1:01:18

Thanks for having us.

Bailey 1:01:19

Thanks for having me... having us. It was fun. (Wolf howling sound) Until next time.

Leah 1:01:19

Thank you.

Meliza Manalo 1:01:24

Until next time. All right, you guys. I hope you enjoy that episode. I know the audio was a little unbearable at times. But I hope it was still good listen. It's also a weird time right now with COVID and all that. But I hope you're still able to find a way to celebrate this spooky holiday. Please let me know on social media what your plans are for Halloween. And have fun and be safe out there. If you enjoy the show and want to stay in the know. Please follow me on social media. I am on Facebook and on Instagram. You can also check out my website at All the information will be on there as well as in the show notes. Please help support the show by rating and reviewing it on Apple Podcasts. If you leave a review, I'll make sure to feature in the show. Thanks so much. And I'll talk to you guys in the next episode.

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